Want to calculate the equivalent hourly wage for an annual salary? Cool, try this calculator.
This calculator converts an annual salary into an equivalent hourly wage. The math is fairly straightforward for this one, you simply need to divide the annual salary by the number of hours worked per week times the number of weeks worked per year, as shown below:
h = S / w y
where S = Annual Salary h = Hourly Wage w = Hours Worked Per Week y = Weeks Worked Per Year
When converting an annual salary into an equivalent hourly wage it's important to note that you should account for the actual number of weeks that will be worked in the year; don't just take the annual salary and divide it by the number of hours worked in a week times 52 (i.e. the number of weeks in a year). Unless you are actually going to work every single week of the year without stop, the number 52 should be replaced by the actual number of weeks that you will work. This will give you the actual amount of money that you make on a per hour basis, rather than a slightly lower estimate derived from an assumption that you work more hours than you actually do.